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Tag: NBA collective bargaining

Small-Market Teams Helped Lead to Rejection of Hard Cap in NBA Labor Deal

Smaller market teams were concerned that a hard salary cap in the new Collective Bargaining Agreement could hurt them...
NBA Wilson basketball

NBA Teams Now Have Just 24 Hours to Match Offers to Restricted Free Agents

NBA teams with players who enter restricted free agency will have just 24 hours to match an offer sheet...
NBA Logo

NBA Labor Deal: High-Spending Teams Can No Longer Sign Buyout Players

The NBA's new Collective Bargaining Agreement will keep high-spending teams, or teams that are in the second apron of...
Adam Silver, NBA

NBA Instituting Rule to Curtail ‘Load Management’

The NBA and players’ union have agreed to a new labor deal of at least six years, and one...
Adam Silver

NBA, Union Agree to New Seven-Year Labor Deal

The NBA and players’ union worked considerably past the midnight opt-out deadline, but they eventually came to terms on...

New CBA Not Expected to Include Age Change for NBA Draft

A new Collective Bargaining Agreement between the NBA and players union isn't likely to change the age limit and...

Players Union Has No Intention to Opt-Out of CBA; But League Might

The players union does not intend to opt out of the current collective-bargaining agreement, NBPA executive director Tamika Tremaglio...
Adam Silver, NBA

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver: ‘Still a Gap’ in Collective Bargaining With Players

The opt-out deadline for the NBA's collective-bargaining agreement is Friday at midnight and the league and players' union have...
Adam Silver, NBA News

NBA, Union Nearing Agreement on ‘Load Management’ Rule

The NBA and players' union are nearing agreement on a rule designed to curtail players resting unnecessarily, as it...
Adam Silver, NBA

NBA, Union Progressing Toward New CBA; Draft Age Limit Among Key Issues

The NBA and players union have made progress toward a new collective-bargaining agreement with the opt-out deadline just weeks...
Adam Silver, NBA

NBA, Union Prioritizing Agreement Before March 31

The NBA and players association is making it a priority to come to terms on a new collective-bargaining agreement...
Adam Silver, NBA

NBA, Players Union Again Extend CBA Opt-Out Date

The NBA and players association have again extended the early opt-out date related to the collective-bargaining agreement, the league...

NBA, Union Extend Labor Opt-Out Deadline

The NBA and players' union have agreed to extend the opt-out deadline for the current collective-bargaining agreement to beyond...
Adam Silver

NBA Pushing for Hard Cap, Players Union Resists, as CBA Opt-Out Date Looms

The NBA is pursuing an upper salary limit, or a hard cap, as part of the next collective bargaining...

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